Taylor's persona

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Taylor was working under the hot sun in her mother's hold gutting fish. It was one of those days where you just could run, play, and dance but sadly there was work. "Mother."Taylor called "The fish are done and so are my chores!'" "May i go now?" " Yes Taylor."her mother said."Your father will be here shortly to pick you up to go to Rand Weyr!" "Ok!" Taylor called." I will be back soon!" She raced off to her room, grabbed her gather,riding ,and regular clothes and put them in a wher hide bag. Then she went to the kichens to grab something to eat. After she ate she ran up the stairs and got to the dragon landing.Just then her dad came out of between on his bronze dragon,Minrith."Dad!"Taylor yelled. He climbed of his dragon and the dragon put his head down low so she could scrach it.

Taylor scrached his head and hugged her dad. " I have missed you Dad." Taylor said.In her mind she heard the dragon ask if she missed him. " I also missed you ,you silly bronze ,why wouldn't  I?" "Ready to go?" her dad ,K' vin, asked. "Ready when you are." Taylor said and with that they took off for the Weyr.


This is Taylor in her riding clothes.


What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.

I might use a format similar to this one for my entries:

1/1/02 - Added a list of my favorites to the About Me page.

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

come on in everyone loves dragons!!!